Thursday, December 17, 2009

Review of Angel Food Ministries

This post has moved to our new site, Cheap Food, Good Meals.


  1. Just came over from Mothering! Glad to find your blog. We tried AFM awhile back, and came to similar conclusions. We were actually able to save more money by shopping at Aldi and our local supermarket. We also tried the fruit/veg box that they offered, and some of the items, such as the sweet potatoes, were partially spoiled, unfortunately. I'm looking forward to going back through your posts :) Cee

  2. I too came over from Mothering...

    We tried AFM a few months back. Our package was lousy, we still ended up pulling from the freezer that week. But, my sister has a family of 6 and has also tried it. They, of course, purchase more, but she has said it was okay. She is out of work and her husband only has a seasonal job, so it's convenient for them.

    I find it's cheaper to stock up when I see deals and cook and freeze during the week.
